About Us
ElectriCITY is a citizenship-driven innovation platform that was formed in 2014. The organization, which operates in Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm, aims to create the most climate-friendly district in Sweden.
The operations of ElectriCITY are run under the overall project name Hammarby Sjöstad 2.0. Within the organization there are about 30 sustainability and environmental projects, several of which take place in collaboration with companies, research organizations and universities.
Specifically, it is about transforming the climate agreement from Paris into local energy and environmental measures through the introduction of smart and renewable energy, sustainable transport, energy efficient houses, electric buses and electric cars. Here Hammarby Sjöstad works as a test bed and demo for new sustainable solutions, copied for other districts and municipalities, both in Sweden and abroad. The ambition is to reach the Paris agreement goals already 2030.
ElectriCITY is an economic association and has about 70 members and partners from business, research institutes and the city of Stockholm. The chairman is Monica Axell, who is Acting Head of Unit Energy and Circular Economy, Division Built Environment at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. Allan Larsson, former chairman and founder, works as a senior advisor.
Members: Atrium Ljungberg, Bengt Dahlgren AB, Business Sweden, Charge Node Europé AB, Ecoclime, Energiforsk, Enstar, Envac, Envito, Familjebostäder, Ferroamp AB (publ), Hiotlabs, HSB, iBoxen infrastruktur Sverige AB, InfraNode/Ariem, Internetstiftelsen, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet , JM, KTC, KTH, Länsförsäkringar, Miljöförvaltningen, Nacka Energi, Nacka Kommun, Nacka Vatten & Avlopp AB, NEWEL, Nuuka Solutions, ParkInn, REMONDIS, RISE, Siemens, Sjöstadsföreningen, Skanska, Skistar/Hammarbybacken AB, Skolfastigheter i Stockholm, Stella Futura AB, Stockholm Exergi, Stockholm Stad, Stockholms Region, Supreme Hydrogen, Urban Design and URBS System
Partners: ABB, Ailon Group, Almi, Barkarby Science, Belatchew Arkitekter, Bjørk Innovation, Botrygg, Dahlberg Charging Solutions AB, DEFA, E.ON, Enköpings Kommun, Global Utmaning, Hyper Island, Hållbara Reimersholme, ICA Sjöstaden, IMEK, Invest Stockholm, Johanneberg Science Park, Jonas Enebrand AB / eFrid, L&T FM AB, Lindholmen, Meta solutions, Monark/Cycleurope, NIBE, Nissan, One CO, Redfield, Riksbyggen, Scania, Serneke Group , Solkompaniet, Sweco, SweGreen AB, TAXI Stockholm, Teknikföretagen, Telia Company, TEYI, Trafikkontoret, Vattenfall, Veidekke, Voereir, Volvo Bussar AB, Västra Hamnens ekonomiska förening, White, Xeric and ZAPTEC Sweden
The Board of ElectriCITY consists of:
Chairman: Monica Axell (RISE)
Jonas Törnblom, Envito
Björn Laumert, KTH
Carl Johansson, Infranode
Poul Heie, Sjöstadsföreningen
Anders Börjesson, Nacka Kommun
CEO: Jörgen Lööf, ElectriCITY Innovation
CTO: Rickard Dahlstrand, ElectriCITY Innovation